The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Eastern lights
- Carole Poirot said...
Good morning Louise, that sunrise looks beautiful and it's certainly warmer in Italy than in London. Having said that, it's not too bad this week and we have apparently had so little rain that the government will put a hosepipe ban into place from April... I hope you're well and have time to enjoy the warm weather. Love from London xo
Tuesday, 13 March, 2012
- LindyLouMac said...
Oh my goodness, what a sunrise, definitely worth grabbing your camera.
Tuesday, 13 March, 2012
- Karin said...
That's a gorgeous sunrise blanket of clouds! Love the color!
Tuesday, 13 March, 2012
- Yvonne said...
Beautiful. Like molten lava.
Thursday, 15 March, 2012
- Travel Tips blog | USA travel tips blog said...
Beautiful pictures
Thursday, 22 March, 2012
- Carol said...
That almost looks like a painting! Would you mind if I had a go at doing a pastel painting of this at some point?
C x -
Monday, 26 March, 2012
- Louise | Italy said...
Not at all, Carol- in fact I'd be delighted! :-)
Monday, 26 March, 2012
- Cathy said...
Wow Louise - your photo is fantastic.
Sunday, 08 April, 2012
Good morning Louise, that sunrise looks beautiful and it's certainly warmer in Italy than in London. Having said that, it's not too bad this week and we have apparently had so little rain that the government will put a hosepipe ban into place from April... I hope you're well and have time to enjoy the warm weather. Love from London xo
Oh my goodness, what a sunrise, definitely worth grabbing your camera.
That's a gorgeous sunrise blanket of clouds! Love the color!
Beautiful. Like molten lava.
Beautiful pictures
That almost looks like a painting! Would you mind if I had a go at doing a pastel painting of this at some point?
C x
Not at all, Carol- in fact I'd be delighted! :-)
Wow Louise - your photo is fantastic.
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