The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
A plague upon our heads
Thursday, 28 January 2010
A plague upon our heads
- The Dutch Girl said...
Ah yes, those lovely perks of child care. Haven't seen anything jump yet. Knock on wood. Thanks for stopping by Northwoods Adventures.
Thursday, 28 January, 2010
Anonymous said...
Oh - you are funny about fleas - and nits! My absolute horror as my daughter has cornrows and very thick curly African hair that just CANNOT be combed with a flea comb! The nightmare scenario would be that she gets lice and we have to shave her gorgeous hair off...
Friends had lice last week - I'm still itching at the thought of it... This post has pushed me over the edge! Chocolate is needed... ;-) -
Thursday, 28 January, 2010
choir girl said...
Loved it Louise - we've all been there!!!
Thursday, 28 January, 2010
- Louise | Italy said...
Lady Fi : I can certainly see how fine-combing African hair, corn-rows or not, would be a nightmare.
Choirgirl : Let's hope not to be going there again!
Hanneke : I'd love to hear the story of the wig at some point... -
Thursday, 28 January, 2010
- Caution/Lisa said...
Seeing that itching, awakening to the realization, rushing to the store for the proper shampoos and combs. Been there and now praying never to return!
Thursday, 28 January, 2010
Will S said...
Don't you just love that crunch they make when you squash them with your thumb nail?
Thursday, 28 January, 2010
Woodman said...
Brilliant again. What a great way with words. You certainly deserved your degree (1st Class) in English.
Thursday, 28 January, 2010
- Joy said...
Having lived thru all of the above...I can say those early elementary years are rough and boy they come down with everything. Mine seem have developed some immunity now and we rarely have a sick day. As for the lice. We've dealt with that too after summer camp a couple of years ago. I found that Lice Ice (natural remedy vs. chemical) if you can find it there is the best and also using Teatree shampoo as a deterrent. They also hate hairspray so put your hair in a ponytail and spray with hairspray. Our local elementary school is having a time with it now as well. Its because of all the coats and scarfs the kids are piling up together.
always something huh.
♥ Joy -
Thursday, 28 January, 2010
- Carol said...
I remember getting nits at school and I couldn't believe anything could be so itchy!! Thankfully I only got them the once but I too remember the pain of that comb being scraped over scalp!!
C x -
Friday, 29 January, 2010
- TEFL Ninja said...
Now I itch all over LOL.
It does get better as they get older. I spent the first few years wondering why people thought childcare would make work possible, since I flet like I was constantly off work taking care of a sickie of being horribly ill myself. -
Friday, 29 January, 2010
- betty-NZ said...
Ah, yes, a memory I don't ever want to relive!
Sunday, 31 January, 2010
- Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...
Oh, lordy, that was a vivid description andd now I'm sure I'm seeing something out of the corner of my eye....
Sunday, 31 January, 2010
Ah yes, those lovely perks of child care. Haven't seen anything jump yet. Knock on wood. Thanks for stopping by Northwoods Adventures.
Oh - you are funny about fleas - and nits! My absolute horror as my daughter has cornrows and very thick curly African hair that just CANNOT be combed with a flea comb! The nightmare scenario would be that she gets lice and we have to shave her gorgeous hair off...
Friends had lice last week - I'm still itching at the thought of it... This post has pushed me over the edge! Chocolate is needed... ;-)
Loved it Louise - we've all been there!!!
Lady Fi : I can certainly see how fine-combing African hair, corn-rows or not, would be a nightmare.
Choirgirl : Let's hope not to be going there again!
Hanneke : I'd love to hear the story of the wig at some point...
Seeing that itching, awakening to the realization, rushing to the store for the proper shampoos and combs. Been there and now praying never to return!
Don't you just love that crunch they make when you squash them with your thumb nail?
Brilliant again. What a great way with words. You certainly deserved your degree (1st Class) in English.
Having lived thru all of the above...I can say those early elementary years are rough and boy they come down with everything. Mine seem have developed some immunity now and we rarely have a sick day. As for the lice. We've dealt with that too after summer camp a couple of years ago. I found that Lice Ice (natural remedy vs. chemical) if you can find it there is the best and also using Teatree shampoo as a deterrent. They also hate hairspray so put your hair in a ponytail and spray with hairspray. Our local elementary school is having a time with it now as well. Its because of all the coats and scarfs the kids are piling up together.
always something huh.
♥ Joy
I remember getting nits at school and I couldn't believe anything could be so itchy!! Thankfully I only got them the once but I too remember the pain of that comb being scraped over scalp!!
C x
Now I itch all over LOL.
It does get better as they get older. I spent the first few years wondering why people thought childcare would make work possible, since I flet like I was constantly off work taking care of a sickie of being horribly ill myself.
Ah, yes, a memory I don't ever want to relive!
Oh, lordy, that was a vivid description andd now I'm sure I'm seeing something out of the corner of my eye....
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