Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007-2013. Please give credit where credit is due.

Monday 27 December 2010

Luce scribimus

A bright, sunshiney day. A bit parky, though.

Scribbling with light.
Porto Lido Cannobio.


Martha said...

I like the new background. What does 'parky' mean?

Louise | Italy said...

Thanks! Parky means chilly.

Vanessa said...

Great colours.

Karin said...

It's an amazing photo - just wonder if you saw the scribbles before you took the photo or only noticed it afterwards! Either case, it's a keeper!

The Womble of Wimbledon said...

I like the new format very much and the photo is excellent. Walter Nurnberg used to say to me pre-visualise over and over again. You have got it perfectly.

Louise | Italy said...

Thank-you. I saw the colours first and then the shapes and the reflections. It took a while.

Katja said...

Gorgeous photo - and I love the blog redesign, too. You'll be starting 2011 in style, lady!

Monday 27 December 2010

Luce scribimus

A bright, sunshiney day. A bit parky, though.

Scribbling with light.
Porto Lido Cannobio.


Martha said...

I like the new background. What does 'parky' mean?

Louise | Italy said...

Thanks! Parky means chilly.

Vanessa said...

Great colours.

Karin said...

It's an amazing photo - just wonder if you saw the scribbles before you took the photo or only noticed it afterwards! Either case, it's a keeper!

The Womble of Wimbledon said...

I like the new format very much and the photo is excellent. Walter Nurnberg used to say to me pre-visualise over and over again. You have got it perfectly.

Louise | Italy said...

Thank-you. I saw the colours first and then the shapes and the reflections. It took a while.

Katja said...

Gorgeous photo - and I love the blog redesign, too. You'll be starting 2011 in style, lady!