The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Monday, 1 February 2010
Monday, Monday

Monday, 1 February 2010
Monday, Monday

- Amy W said...
I truly felt like I was on the rollercoaster with you.... wow. Thank god that car started, b/c those are the kind of mornings that can really break a parent. Well, me, anyway. I would've cried and then thrown myself on the couch all day to watch movies and play the Wii with the kids.
Good little Panda! -
Monday, 01 February, 2010
Monday, 01 February, 2010
- Louise | Italy said...
Hi Amy, and welcome! I only just found out what a Wii is...! Sounds more fun than changing wet beds...
Hello Chrysalis and thank YOU for making MY day! :-) -
Monday, 01 February, 2010
- Lady Fi said...
Hilarious account of a hair-raising morning.. I KNOW exactly what it feels like when the mercury explodes!
Monday, 01 February, 2010
- Carol said...
Thank god we don't have kids!! I don't think I could cope with that in the morning...it's bad enough trying to fend off hungry cats!!
C x -
Monday, 01 February, 2010
- Katja said...
Brilliantly written - I was tearing my hair out along with you! I'm constantly losing my car keys at crucial moments. Sadly, I only ever have myself to blame. I really need to get, if not a husband and kids, at the very least a dog to shift the blame onto.
Consider yourself blogrolled, lady. -
Monday, 01 February, 2010
Anonymous said...
You gave me my morning laugh! So funny! Yet I can emphathize. I start out so many mornings with good intentions, only to be derailed by a comedy of errors such as yours. I guess that's life. Thanks for sharing!
Monday, 01 February, 2010
V. said...
Serene? You? He married the wrong gal! Happy Monday!
Monday, 01 February, 2010
- Unknown said...
Don't you love it when they take off with both sets of car keys and then act like it's a shortcoming of yours?
Monday, 01 February, 2010
Woodman said...
I wouldn't be in his shoes when he gets home never mind the chocs. This episode is one of the best yet, I hope you are keeping them all safe.
Monday, 01 February, 2010
- LindyLouMac said...
This was like scene from a film, as I could visualise this as I read and laughed at your expense. Sorry but it is such amusing writing.
Hope you have a better day tomorrow. -
Monday, 01 February, 2010
Michelle said...
What kind of a kindergarten is that? No latecomers allowed...
I'm astonished. -
Monday, 01 February, 2010
- Lakeland art said...
Fantastic, what we women have to cope with!
Monday, 01 February, 2010
- Debbie said...
You did this so masterfully that I felt like I was there through the whole affair! And why don't clouds have chocolate linings or cheesecake linings? A girl needs more than silver:)
Tuesday, 02 February, 2010
- Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...
A horrible morning, excellently described! Very nice job.
Sunday, 07 February, 2010
I truly felt like I was on the rollercoaster with you.... wow. Thank god that car started, b/c those are the kind of mornings that can really break a parent. Well, me, anyway. I would've cried and then thrown myself on the couch all day to watch movies and play the Wii with the kids.
Good little Panda!
Hi Amy, and welcome! I only just found out what a Wii is...! Sounds more fun than changing wet beds...
Hello Chrysalis and thank YOU for making MY day! :-)
Hilarious account of a hair-raising morning.. I KNOW exactly what it feels like when the mercury explodes!
Thank god we don't have kids!! I don't think I could cope with that in the morning...it's bad enough trying to fend off hungry cats!!
C x
Brilliantly written - I was tearing my hair out along with you! I'm constantly losing my car keys at crucial moments. Sadly, I only ever have myself to blame. I really need to get, if not a husband and kids, at the very least a dog to shift the blame onto.
Consider yourself blogrolled, lady.
You gave me my morning laugh! So funny! Yet I can emphathize. I start out so many mornings with good intentions, only to be derailed by a comedy of errors such as yours. I guess that's life. Thanks for sharing!
Serene? You? He married the wrong gal! Happy Monday!
Don't you love it when they take off with both sets of car keys and then act like it's a shortcoming of yours?
I wouldn't be in his shoes when he gets home never mind the chocs. This episode is one of the best yet, I hope you are keeping them all safe.
This was like scene from a film, as I could visualise this as I read and laughed at your expense. Sorry but it is such amusing writing.
Hope you have a better day tomorrow.
What kind of a kindergarten is that? No latecomers allowed...
I'm astonished.
Fantastic, what we women have to cope with!
You did this so masterfully that I felt like I was there through the whole affair! And why don't clouds have chocolate linings or cheesecake linings? A girl needs more than silver:)
A horrible morning, excellently described! Very nice job.
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