The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Recession depression
Traffic noise. TV noise. Spy 'copter ever over head. Planes on the flightpath. Mothers on the warpath.
Grubby teens. Fags and chips. Plastic shoes and plastic bags. Bad haircut, palette-knife make-up, gory lipstick. Eyebrow studs like boils. Nose studs like zits. Tattoos like tidemarks, regretted soonest. No-one cares stubble. Middle-age spread 'n' bee-ohh. Scuffed white stilletos. Dirty sandal toenails.
Chewing gum pavements. Broken glass and swirling trash. Paint peeling. Plaster flaking. Dirty windows, landfill gardens. Dog dirt gutters. Crowds of stinking wheelie bins.
New shops empty. Old shops abandoned. Summer sale. Massive sale. Prices slashed! Jobs slashed. Wrists slashed. Recession depression.
Grumbling pensioners. Missing-the-point politicians. Global warming. Swine 'flu. Deaths in Afghanistan. Bombs in Jakarta. Winning the Ashes. Losing out to China. Islamists, fascists, racists, terrorists. Closing hospitals. Failing schools.
Signs screaming. Minds screaming. No stopping. No entry.
No. Through. Road.
No. Way. Out.
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Recession depression
Traffic noise. TV noise. Spy 'copter ever over head. Planes on the flightpath. Mothers on the warpath.
Grubby teens. Fags and chips. Plastic shoes and plastic bags. Bad haircut, palette-knife make-up, gory lipstick. Eyebrow studs like boils. Nose studs like zits. Tattoos like tidemarks, regretted soonest. No-one cares stubble. Middle-age spread 'n' bee-ohh. Scuffed white stilletos. Dirty sandal toenails.
Chewing gum pavements. Broken glass and swirling trash. Paint peeling. Plaster flaking. Dirty windows, landfill gardens. Dog dirt gutters. Crowds of stinking wheelie bins.
New shops empty. Old shops abandoned. Summer sale. Massive sale. Prices slashed! Jobs slashed. Wrists slashed. Recession depression.
Grumbling pensioners. Missing-the-point politicians. Global warming. Swine 'flu. Deaths in Afghanistan. Bombs in Jakarta. Winning the Ashes. Losing out to China. Islamists, fascists, racists, terrorists. Closing hospitals. Failing schools.
Signs screaming. Minds screaming. No stopping. No entry.
No. Through. Road.
No. Way. Out.
- Braja said...
Welcome to the 21st century....
Oh but there's a way out.... -
Saturday, 18 July, 2009
- Chairman Bill said...
Be it ever so humble, it's home.
Saturday, 18 July, 2009
- Louise | Italy said...
@Braja : are you sharing the map?
@Chairman Bill : dead right. :-) -
Saturday, 18 July, 2009
- Debbie said...
I think I took a wrong turn. This isn't the lovely pick-me-up I usually get here!
But sadly, this is accurate and current. Now, back to my state of denial. -
Sunday, 19 July, 2009
- Rosaria Williams said...
Ouch. Where are the rose-colored glasses? Hurry, bring them out.
Sunday, 19 July, 2009
- Joy said...
Hi Louise: I think these things are weighing on the hearts and minds of a lot of people. How can they not. It seems every generation has things to deal with. The world seems to be spinning out of control doesn’t it? I just pray and trust God that He has a sovereign plan and understanding His truth can get us thru these times. Pray I stay strong through them.
Your post above is about sermons made me laugh. Some do go over my head, but I try and understand them. One series our pastor has done lately has been so good. It is on Truth. I download it and re-listen so I don’t miss anything. ( I usually can’t catch it all the first time) Here is a link. He is a gifted communicator and I think you would like him.
The links are at the top by Rob Renfroe and entitled Truth….. I think the date is wrong on the top one. It should be 7/12 not 7/5. They are very thought provoking .
Joy -
Sunday, 19 July, 2009
russell Hall said...
So 1980's......
Monday, 20 July, 2009
Anonymous said...
Just another reason I don't live in England anymore!
Monday, 20 July, 2009
- Louise | Italy said...
@Russ : that's what's so depressing -- the déjà-vu!
Wednesday, 22 July, 2009
Welcome to the 21st century....
Oh but there's a way out....
Be it ever so humble, it's home.
@Braja : are you sharing the map?
@Chairman Bill : dead right. :-)
I think I took a wrong turn. This isn't the lovely pick-me-up I usually get here!
But sadly, this is accurate and current. Now, back to my state of denial.
Ouch. Where are the rose-colored glasses? Hurry, bring them out.
Hi Louise: I think these things are weighing on the hearts and minds of a lot of people. How can they not. It seems every generation has things to deal with. The world seems to be spinning out of control doesn’t it? I just pray and trust God that He has a sovereign plan and understanding His truth can get us thru these times. Pray I stay strong through them.
Your post above is about sermons made me laugh. Some do go over my head, but I try and understand them. One series our pastor has done lately has been so good. It is on Truth. I download it and re-listen so I don’t miss anything. ( I usually can’t catch it all the first time) Here is a link. He is a gifted communicator and I think you would like him.
The links are at the top by Rob Renfroe and entitled Truth….. I think the date is wrong on the top one. It should be 7/12 not 7/5. They are very thought provoking .
So 1980's......
Just another reason I don't live in England anymore!
@Russ : that's what's so depressing -- the déjà-vu!
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