Happy birthday, B.
The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Anonymous said...
How touching! Happy birthday to YOUUUUUUUU!
Wednesday, 15 July, 2009
- Chairman Bill said...
It looks good enough to eat.
Wednesday, 15 July, 2009
Vanessa said...
Belated birthday wishes to little Missy. xxx
Thursday, 16 July, 2009
- Rosaria Williams said...
Hi, thanks for signing up to follow my blog. You're in a beautiful part of Italy, or better yet, a place most people recognize. Glad you found that special rose to plant. I shall return for more visits; it is the only way I can go back to my Italy.
p.s. I love the literary tidbits in the previous posts! -
Thursday, 16 July, 2009
- Karin said...
That's an exquisite rose! It looks like it is fragrant too - at least I imagine it to be. Seems to me that the roses in my uncle's garden in Germany were exceedingly more fragrant than those we grow in Canada!
Sunday, 19 July, 2009
KatyB said...
A very belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the little princess!
Saturday, 01 August, 2009
How touching! Happy birthday to YOUUUUUUUU!
It looks good enough to eat.
Belated birthday wishes to little Missy. xxx
Hi, thanks for signing up to follow my blog. You're in a beautiful part of Italy, or better yet, a place most people recognize. Glad you found that special rose to plant. I shall return for more visits; it is the only way I can go back to my Italy.
p.s. I love the literary tidbits in the previous posts!
That's an exquisite rose! It looks like it is fragrant too - at least I imagine it to be. Seems to me that the roses in my uncle's garden in Germany were exceedingly more fragrant than those we grow in Canada!
A very belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the little princess!
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