The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Friday, 6 February 2009
Distraction from the rain
- Bella@That damn expat said...
We finally got some sun yesterday.
That's a beautiful picture! -
Friday, 06 February, 2009
Anonymous said...
Love the photo. It seems as though our snow is your rain.
Friday, 06 February, 2009
Anonymous said...
Oh what beautiful days you have (sometimes) at the lake!
Friday, 06 February, 2009
- Gutsy Living said...
We now have rain too. Finally, after another summer-like week. No need to water the garden.
Friday, 06 February, 2009
- - Susan - said...
discovered your blog lately and linked to you so I can follow.
Love the idea of giving the church a volunteer paint job.
Our house in Pizzo is located in the old part of the town, called Carmine, like the church next to our house. Love that name. -
Friday, 06 February, 2009
Anonymous said...
Hi Louise,
Nice picture again. Well, its life in the freezer here in the uk and nothing changes with our incompetent local and central government. Ran out of grit and rock salt for the roads, now they are trying to use table salt, even though there is millions of tons of the stuff in Cheshire. Don't come to McBroon land at the moment. -
Saturday, 07 February, 2009
We finally got some sun yesterday.
That's a beautiful picture!
Love the photo. It seems as though our snow is your rain.
Oh what beautiful days you have (sometimes) at the lake!
We now have rain too. Finally, after another summer-like week. No need to water the garden.
discovered your blog lately and linked to you so I can follow.
Love the idea of giving the church a volunteer paint job.
Our house in Pizzo is located in the old part of the town, called Carmine, like the church next to our house. Love that name.
Hi Louise,
Nice picture again. Well, its life in the freezer here in the uk and nothing changes with our incompetent local and central government. Ran out of grit and rock salt for the roads, now they are trying to use table salt, even though there is millions of tons of the stuff in Cheshire. Don't come to McBroon land at the moment.
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