At the age of two-and-a-half (almost), B is becoming her own little person. She has her own likes and dislikes (loves reading, hates having her hair brushed, loves the new kitten, hates scarves), and her own ways of doing things. What fascinates me, though, is how she makes connections between things as she trots around the world after her Mama and her elder brother (generally on a steep incline).
The other day we were watching a mountain helicopter refuelling on the school playing field, and the mechanic who was rejuvenating our ancient and rather battered Panda sped past on a test drive. B. recognised the car at once with a cry of, "Look, look, Mama's car!".
Later, we were in the office of our friends the carabinieri, and she picked up a trade magazine. Breaking into the awed hush of our surroundings, I heard the same cry, "Look, look, Mama's car!", and went over to see what she had found. It was a vehicle that resembled the one below (though military equipment buffs please don't quote me), possibly without the weaponry and probably in a fetching shade of midnight blue with the word 'Carabinieri' plastered all over it :

Does B know something I don't about what Babbo Natale is bringing me for Christmas, or could she have been commenting on my driving style?
Pic from Wikipedia with thanks.
Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007, 2008. All rights reserved. Please ask first.
Just remember, when you open that armour plated car this christmas to look surprised! LOL
My bet is on it's the way you drive :)
I love it when kids start becoming little people.. although usually ones with wills of steel!
Come to think of it, doesn't a Panda resemble this other vehicle? Perhaps like most women she was identifying it by its colour...
Car? Armoured personnel carrier? I'd be looking for the helicopter under the Christmas tree if I lived up your mountain.
Oh isn't it wonderful to see children grow, they are always so amazing...
Hi Louise,
These are some of the happiest days, when your kids are so innocent and interesting. They know what they like and want and nothing will stop them from trying to get it. I think an armoured car is a good idea considering the way the Italians drive. (get out of the way, I own the road).
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