Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007-2013. Please give credit where credit is due.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Festa del fine anno

A big round thank-you to the 4-6 year-olds of Traffiume and Cannobio, who today and yesterday Sang a Rainbow and made their maestra d'inglese very, very proud!



TEFL Ninja said...

Bravi !!!!

///////Much clapping\\\\\\\\\\

Gutsy Living said...

Good to hear from you.I love your new blog "look." I cheched out all the different templates. Very attractive.

Carol said...

Awww!! *Joins Sarah in the clapping*

C x

Vanessa said...

No more teaching? Roll on summer, then!

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Festa del fine anno

A big round thank-you to the 4-6 year-olds of Traffiume and Cannobio, who today and yesterday Sang a Rainbow and made their maestra d'inglese very, very proud!



TEFL Ninja said...

Bravi !!!!

///////Much clapping\\\\\\\\\\

Gutsy Living said...

Good to hear from you.I love your new blog "look." I cheched out all the different templates. Very attractive.

Carol said...

Awww!! *Joins Sarah in the clapping*

C x

Vanessa said...

No more teaching? Roll on summer, then!