The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Sunday, 8 May 2011
The worst and the best job in the world
To all ye who took on the worst paid job in the world, the job with no fixed hours, no holidays, no pay, no early retirement, and definitely no promotion prospects (unless you happen to be Her).
To all ye who opted for a relationship with no chance of divorce. For cold little hands creeping into yours. For unthinking trust and innocent love and small-body cuddles that never end. For the pleasure of seeing the world through the eyes of a child. For the privilege of watching them grow, learn, strive and succeed.
Happy Festa della Mamma!
Sunday, 8 May 2011
The worst and the best job in the world
To all ye who took on the worst paid job in the world, the job with no fixed hours, no holidays, no pay, no early retirement, and definitely no promotion prospects (unless you happen to be Her).
To all ye who opted for a relationship with no chance of divorce. For cold little hands creeping into yours. For unthinking trust and innocent love and small-body cuddles that never end. For the pleasure of seeing the world through the eyes of a child. For the privilege of watching them grow, learn, strive and succeed.
Happy Festa della Mamma!
Micky Mouse said...
Sounds like par for the course to me. Just think of your grandma with eleven to deal with. The Monday washday was a sight to behold with the flaming fires under the copper, boiling all that linen and then all those meals to prepare. Ouch.
Sunday, 08 May, 2011
- Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...
And happy Festa Della Mamma to you as well, Louise. Wonderful post!
Sunday, 08 May, 2011
- Karin said...
May you be blessed on Mother's Day and always! Beautifully written post!
Sunday, 08 May, 2011
V. said...
Who would have thought you of all people would have enjoyed motherhood so much? You were always the woman "most likely not to become..."
Sunday, 08 May, 2011
choirgirl said...
Got to be an AJ picture with all that precise colouring in!!! Happy Mothers Day - you deserve the best.
Tuesday, 10 May, 2011
- MP said...
To you too. Beautifull post.
Tuesday, 10 May, 2011
Anonymous said...
Just wonderful!
Wednesday, 11 May, 2011
Sounds like par for the course to me. Just think of your grandma with eleven to deal with. The Monday washday was a sight to behold with the flaming fires under the copper, boiling all that linen and then all those meals to prepare. Ouch.
And happy Festa Della Mamma to you as well, Louise. Wonderful post!
May you be blessed on Mother's Day and always! Beautifully written post!
Who would have thought you of all people would have enjoyed motherhood so much? You were always the woman "most likely not to become..."
Got to be an AJ picture with all that precise colouring in!!! Happy Mothers Day - you deserve the best.
To you too. Beautifull post.
Just wonderful!
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