The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Friday, 4 June 2010
Early summer for the Carmine kinder
Bare feet, no vest, cotton dress, big hat.
Ballgames in the narrow streets.
To kindergarten by boat.
Late - light - nights.
Long holidays coming soon...and even Mama's starting to smile!
- LadyFi said...
summer and smiles - at last!
Friday, 04 June, 2010
- Karin said...
Do your Kinder get 2 months off like they do here in Canada? To Kindergarten by boat? Cool!! How long a trip is that? Enjoy your day and the week-end ahead!
Friday, 04 June, 2010
- TEFL Ninja said...
Roll on the summer hols !!
Not least cos I get six weeks off with Son of Thor spending everyday at campo estivo.
Does happy liberated mummy dance. -
Friday, 04 June, 2010
- Louise | Italy said...
Sarah : campo estivo -- oh you ARE a lucky girl! I can't seem to find the right excuse to pay for them to go ...although I AM trying!
Karin: the boat ride is about half an hour. And the kids think it's very cool. They are off from the end of June until the middle of September - that's, let me see...oh my God...10 weeks...
LadyFi: I second that emotion! -
Friday, 04 June, 2010
- Karin said...
Oooooo, fun times ahead!
Saturday, 05 June, 2010
- MP said...
Yes! Finally
Monday, 07 June, 2010
summer and smiles - at last!
Do your Kinder get 2 months off like they do here in Canada? To Kindergarten by boat? Cool!! How long a trip is that? Enjoy your day and the week-end ahead!
Roll on the summer hols !!
Not least cos I get six weeks off with Son of Thor spending everyday at campo estivo.
Does happy liberated mummy dance.
Sarah : campo estivo -- oh you ARE a lucky girl! I can't seem to find the right excuse to pay for them to go ...although I AM trying!
Karin: the boat ride is about half an hour. And the kids think it's very cool. They are off from the end of June until the middle of September - that's, let me see...oh my God...10 weeks...
LadyFi: I second that emotion!
Oooooo, fun times ahead!
Yes! Finally
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