Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007-2013. Please give credit where credit is due.

Monday 3 May 2010

Quote of the week No. 38 : On housework

A mere 12°C at 8:30am, after two days of rain (soft rain, hard rain, torrential rain, cats-and-dogs rain). Some sunshine amid the 50% cloud cover adorning the sky in tattered remnants, like net curtains after the kittens have had their claws out.

Now for the Quote of the Week :
"Few tasks are more like the torture of Sisyphus than housework, with its endless repetition: the clean becomes soiled, the soiled is made clean, over and over, day after day..."

Simone Lucie-Ernestine-Marie-Bertrand de Beauvoir (1908-1986) French philosopher, existentialist, Marxist, Maoist, feminist, social theorist and novelist who enjoyed a polyamorous relationship with Jean-Paul Sartre. 

I wonder how much time she devoted to the torture of Sisyphus. Next I wonder whether I would be let off the chores if I had such an expansive name, and could command all those -ists, to say nothing of the terrifyingly intellectual lover...


Vanessa said...

Not a happy housewife today then?

Carole Poirot said...

I like that quote and couldn't agree more...yet I still do it, does that make me a masochist, just sad or simply a realist... I wonder ;-) Anyway, please stop by my blog to pick up a little something (again) as I so enjoy your writings. Love from London x

TEFL Ninja said...

A lover ?

I think I'd rather clean.

One bloke is more than enough thank you very much. Their capacity to create more mess to sort out is like the universe, endless.

Actually I have a cunning plan. When my little school opens in September I am going to offer free kiddie courses to any ladies who fancy swopping the same monetary value for cleaning services.

I reckon I can get up to six hours of cleaning a week with two people out of arrangement, and I would rather teach than scrub.

I have a whole slew of ideas that involve bartering services that get past my needs being unmet thanks to the forthcoming austerity measures.

I may even start a new blog, "swoppsies are us".

Just as soon as I work out how to say that in Italian.

Louise | Italy said...

Sarah: LOL!!! :-))

LindyLouMac said...

What can I say after reading Sarah's amusing comments! Niente!

I do hate housework though, more and more so as I get older :)

KNB said...

Housework--generally I abhor it. But when I'm feeling manic or even low, nothing is better than a good hard scrubbing of the kitchen or the wonderfully monotonous roar of the vaccuum.

Wish I was in Italy--it's been too long!
Stopping by from SITS.

Carol said...

I'll add another quote....

Only dull women have immaculate homes!!

C x

Monday 3 May 2010

Quote of the week No. 38 : On housework

A mere 12°C at 8:30am, after two days of rain (soft rain, hard rain, torrential rain, cats-and-dogs rain). Some sunshine amid the 50% cloud cover adorning the sky in tattered remnants, like net curtains after the kittens have had their claws out.

Now for the Quote of the Week :
"Few tasks are more like the torture of Sisyphus than housework, with its endless repetition: the clean becomes soiled, the soiled is made clean, over and over, day after day..."

Simone Lucie-Ernestine-Marie-Bertrand de Beauvoir (1908-1986) French philosopher, existentialist, Marxist, Maoist, feminist, social theorist and novelist who enjoyed a polyamorous relationship with Jean-Paul Sartre. 

I wonder how much time she devoted to the torture of Sisyphus. Next I wonder whether I would be let off the chores if I had such an expansive name, and could command all those -ists, to say nothing of the terrifyingly intellectual lover...


Vanessa said...

Not a happy housewife today then?

Carole Poirot said...

I like that quote and couldn't agree more...yet I still do it, does that make me a masochist, just sad or simply a realist... I wonder ;-) Anyway, please stop by my blog to pick up a little something (again) as I so enjoy your writings. Love from London x

TEFL Ninja said...

A lover ?

I think I'd rather clean.

One bloke is more than enough thank you very much. Their capacity to create more mess to sort out is like the universe, endless.

Actually I have a cunning plan. When my little school opens in September I am going to offer free kiddie courses to any ladies who fancy swopping the same monetary value for cleaning services.

I reckon I can get up to six hours of cleaning a week with two people out of arrangement, and I would rather teach than scrub.

I have a whole slew of ideas that involve bartering services that get past my needs being unmet thanks to the forthcoming austerity measures.

I may even start a new blog, "swoppsies are us".

Just as soon as I work out how to say that in Italian.

Louise | Italy said...

Sarah: LOL!!! :-))

LindyLouMac said...

What can I say after reading Sarah's amusing comments! Niente!

I do hate housework though, more and more so as I get older :)

KNB said...

Housework--generally I abhor it. But when I'm feeling manic or even low, nothing is better than a good hard scrubbing of the kitchen or the wonderfully monotonous roar of the vaccuum.

Wish I was in Italy--it's been too long!
Stopping by from SITS.

Carol said...

I'll add another quote....

Only dull women have immaculate homes!!

C x