Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007-2013. Please give credit where credit is due.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Six degrees at 8:30am, rising to an astonishing, hardly believable, jaw-dropping 25° in the garden at midday.

Carmine's toms have declared spring by spending the last few days ripping hell out of each other. Yesterday I could stand the caterwauling (and, indeed, the sight of bloodied cats) no longer and the Carmine Animal Hospital now has one very contrite fellow in lock-down, waiting for a visit to the vet.

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Tuesday 2 March 2010

Six degrees at 8:30am, rising to an astonishing, hardly believable, jaw-dropping 25° in the garden at midday.

Carmine's toms have declared spring by spending the last few days ripping hell out of each other. Yesterday I could stand the caterwauling (and, indeed, the sight of bloodied cats) no longer and the Carmine Animal Hospital now has one very contrite fellow in lock-down, waiting for a visit to the vet.

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