Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007-2013. Please give credit where credit is due.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Just when I thought...

Two degrees at 8:55am. Sleet. But as the day advances, the sun is battling through the clouds, and the snow line is receding up the hill.

Just when I thought the nappies and the bed-wetting, the vomitting and the table spills were over...

Just when I thought carrying children up and down the hill was a thing of the past...

Just when I thought I might relax the babyproofing and introduce a couple of adult objects into my home - an antique cushion, perhaps, or a rushwork chair...

Just when I thought I might sell the stair gate...

Just when I thought the various members of my household would get along without my having to operate a complex airlock system to separate the scratchers and the biters from those with delicate flesh...

Just when I thought embarrassing smells were a thing of the past...

Just when I thought I might be on top of the laundry, rather than buried beneath it...

Just when I thought it was safe to cancel my membership of Deranged SAHMs Anonymous...

This happened :

He is Loki. He is Indra. He is Nun. He is Enlil. And he is Arawn.

He is Jakob!, Lord of Misrule. His powers of destruction are infinite as the stars in the sky. His command of the forces of chaos is total. His appetite for pandemonium is profound.

You see my point?


LadyFi said...

LOL! I see it in all its cuteness! This is why I got a re-homed dog who was 4.5 yrs old when he came to us.. I*m just not ready for the chaos a puppy can produce!

But oh, you will enjoy him when he calms a year or so1 ;-)

In the meantime, training, training, training.

V. said...

Don't cancel that membership!

Louise | Italy said...

LadyFi: Whaddya mean a year?? That's another 44 weeks - 44 weeks of mayhem on a Biblical scale! I think I'll emigrate. They say Dubai's nice...

♥ Braja said...

Goooooood morning Mr Rascal :)

Bossy Betty said...

Ohhhhh, that cute sleeping dog? How could he give you any trouble at all?

Joy said...

You are a brave woman Louise. I got a potty trained dog too thru a rescue. Just didn't have what it took to go thru the baby stuff again. Very Cute addition to the family though.
♥ Joy

Michelle said...

Almost right. ^^

katja | Driving Like a Maniac said...

Aww! Is he the lifechanging experience you were talking about or is there yet another one on the horizon? He looks terribly sweet and compliant in that picture - but then so do most children when they're asleep ...

Sandy said...

Look at the size of those feet!!

Louise | Italy said...

LadyFi: cute? that's what everyone says...but I think he's Beelzebub in disguise...

Michelle: what was your guess?

Katya: yup - he's this year's life-changing experience! (It could have been worse - you don't know how close I was to SHEEP!)

LadyFi said...

Sheep would at least only cause chaos outside while also keeping the grass short.

Dogs tend to calm down when they are about 4, but they should stop that chaos behaviour beore one - as long as you are firm with them and train them... (obedience lessons needed here for both owner and dog)!

And yes - very cute (when asleep)!

injaynesworld said...

I, too, am impressed by the size of those feet. The best thing about puppies is puppy breath. If someone could bottle that, they'd made a fortune. He's quite adorable.

I hope you're not too attached to anything wooden in your home. ;)

Susie said...

This is why we don't have pets...that and I am allergic.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments! I hope to see you back there soon:-)

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

Hello there, passing from Lady Bloggers to pay respect. Have a nice weekend.

betty-NZ said...

Aw, that face it too cute to not want to smooch!

Anonymous said...

Trouble? Yes! But a year from now you'll be telling us you don't know what you did without him! Congratulations on your new little family member!

Anonymous said...

but he's so adorable!!!

Thursday 11 March 2010

Just when I thought...

Two degrees at 8:55am. Sleet. But as the day advances, the sun is battling through the clouds, and the snow line is receding up the hill.

Just when I thought the nappies and the bed-wetting, the vomitting and the table spills were over...

Just when I thought carrying children up and down the hill was a thing of the past...

Just when I thought I might relax the babyproofing and introduce a couple of adult objects into my home - an antique cushion, perhaps, or a rushwork chair...

Just when I thought I might sell the stair gate...

Just when I thought the various members of my household would get along without my having to operate a complex airlock system to separate the scratchers and the biters from those with delicate flesh...

Just when I thought embarrassing smells were a thing of the past...

Just when I thought I might be on top of the laundry, rather than buried beneath it...

Just when I thought it was safe to cancel my membership of Deranged SAHMs Anonymous...

This happened :

He is Loki. He is Indra. He is Nun. He is Enlil. And he is Arawn.

He is Jakob!, Lord of Misrule. His powers of destruction are infinite as the stars in the sky. His command of the forces of chaos is total. His appetite for pandemonium is profound.

You see my point?


LadyFi said...

LOL! I see it in all its cuteness! This is why I got a re-homed dog who was 4.5 yrs old when he came to us.. I*m just not ready for the chaos a puppy can produce!

But oh, you will enjoy him when he calms a year or so1 ;-)

In the meantime, training, training, training.

V. said...

Don't cancel that membership!

Louise | Italy said...

LadyFi: Whaddya mean a year?? That's another 44 weeks - 44 weeks of mayhem on a Biblical scale! I think I'll emigrate. They say Dubai's nice...

♥ Braja said...

Goooooood morning Mr Rascal :)

Bossy Betty said...

Ohhhhh, that cute sleeping dog? How could he give you any trouble at all?

Joy said...

You are a brave woman Louise. I got a potty trained dog too thru a rescue. Just didn't have what it took to go thru the baby stuff again. Very Cute addition to the family though.
♥ Joy

Michelle said...

Almost right. ^^

katja | Driving Like a Maniac said...

Aww! Is he the lifechanging experience you were talking about or is there yet another one on the horizon? He looks terribly sweet and compliant in that picture - but then so do most children when they're asleep ...

Sandy said...

Look at the size of those feet!!

Louise | Italy said...

LadyFi: cute? that's what everyone says...but I think he's Beelzebub in disguise...

Michelle: what was your guess?

Katya: yup - he's this year's life-changing experience! (It could have been worse - you don't know how close I was to SHEEP!)

LadyFi said...

Sheep would at least only cause chaos outside while also keeping the grass short.

Dogs tend to calm down when they are about 4, but they should stop that chaos behaviour beore one - as long as you are firm with them and train them... (obedience lessons needed here for both owner and dog)!

And yes - very cute (when asleep)!

injaynesworld said...

I, too, am impressed by the size of those feet. The best thing about puppies is puppy breath. If someone could bottle that, they'd made a fortune. He's quite adorable.

I hope you're not too attached to anything wooden in your home. ;)

Susie said...

This is why we don't have pets...that and I am allergic.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments! I hope to see you back there soon:-)

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

Hello there, passing from Lady Bloggers to pay respect. Have a nice weekend.

betty-NZ said...

Aw, that face it too cute to not want to smooch!

Anonymous said...

Trouble? Yes! But a year from now you'll be telling us you don't know what you did without him! Congratulations on your new little family member!

Anonymous said...

but he's so adorable!!!