The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Friday, 5 February 2010
Delfina's greeting - a mystery
Friday, 5 February 2010
Delfina's greeting - a mystery
chrysalis said...
Any hope of downloading this picture down into my computer, louise. I think its one of the best showing the position of Carmine above the lake.
Friday, 05 February, 2010
- Louise | Italy said...
Of course - I'll email it to you!
Friday, 05 February, 2010
- LindyLouMac said...
Oh how interesting Louise, I think old postcards provide a fascinating insight into social history of the period.
This one has obviously made you curious, do let us know what you find out. -
Friday, 05 February, 2010
- LadyFi said...
Wonderful old postcard! Let us know if you come to the bottom of this mystery.
Friday, 05 February, 2010
Vanessa. said...
Come on Sherlock - get yer deerstalker out!
Friday, 05 February, 2010
- MrsBlogAlot said...
Mmmm interesting....
I love a good mystery! -
Saturday, 06 February, 2010
- Carole Poirot said...
What a beautiful and classy blog, I'm glad I found it - now back to reading more of your posts :-)
Saturday, 06 February, 2010
- Carole Poirot said...
Hi Louise, I am seriously honoured and chuffed that you consider my blog good enough to have joined. Thanks so much. Carole x
Saturday, 06 February, 2010
- Shelle said...
What a beautiful postcard. I hope you solve your mystery.
Have a great weekend and happy SITS Saturday! -
Saturday, 06 February, 2010
- Shelley said...
What a beautiful place where you are living. Happy SITS sharefest Saturday. Thanks for stopping by.
Saturday, 06 February, 2010
- Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...
Just stopping by to wish you a happy SITS sharefest. I hope you have a fantastic Saturday night!
Sunday, 07 February, 2010
- Karin said...
Looking forward to hear what you find out! Love that photo of Carmine. Would make a stunning screensaver for me!
Sunday, 07 February, 2010
Any hope of downloading this picture down into my computer, louise. I think its one of the best showing the position of Carmine above the lake.
Of course - I'll email it to you!
Oh how interesting Louise, I think old postcards provide a fascinating insight into social history of the period.
This one has obviously made you curious, do let us know what you find out.
Wonderful old postcard! Let us know if you come to the bottom of this mystery.
Come on Sherlock - get yer deerstalker out!
Mmmm interesting....
I love a good mystery!
What a beautiful and classy blog, I'm glad I found it - now back to reading more of your posts :-)
Hi Louise, I am seriously honoured and chuffed that you consider my blog good enough to have joined. Thanks so much. Carole x
What a beautiful postcard. I hope you solve your mystery.
Have a great weekend and happy SITS Saturday!
What a beautiful place where you are living. Happy SITS sharefest Saturday. Thanks for stopping by.
Just stopping by to wish you a happy SITS sharefest. I hope you have a fantastic Saturday night!
Looking forward to hear what you find out! Love that photo of Carmine. Would make a stunning screensaver for me!
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