The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Quote of the week No. 34 : On self-determination
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Quote of the week No. 34 : On self-determination
- Melissa Miller said...
Hello Louise,
It's so nice to meet you! I really appreciate your kind visit to my blog and that you are following along as well. Thank you! You are always welcome to visit me anytime.
Your blog and photos are just gorgeous! ~WOW! You are so blessed to live in Italy. That is my dream destination one day. Sigh...I would love to visit Rome and a coastal town as well.
The framed blue shadow box above my garden tub is from a local home decor' store here called Kirklands. It has a little bit of Tuscan style to it. Italian style decor' is so popular here in the US. We all just love it here!
Have a wonderfully blessed weekend.
~Warmly, ~Melissa :) -
Saturday, 30 January, 2010
- Aren O. Týr said...
Funnily enough, Louise, this quote No. 34 ties in very neatly with my latest blog post...
Sunday, 31 January, 2010
- Karin said...
Interesting quote. I'm not a great thinker, not scholarly, just down to earth and practical and the question that comes to my mind is,"Of what?" "Happiness is not a reward - it is a consequence.
Suffering is not a punishment - it is a result." What are your thoughts on this?? Thanks! -
Sunday, 31 January, 2010
- LadyFi said...
The whole of February is our giorni della merla.. or this year - you could say that December and January qualify too!
Sunday, 31 January, 2010
- Louise | Italy said...
Hi Karin, I thought it might mean that personal happiness and suffering are both the consequences of our own thoughts and actions rather than something bestowed/forced on us by someone else. It's a very liberating thought because it means you can go out and change your life whenever you like.
Sunday, 31 January, 2010
- Gutsy Living said...
Wow, you really have to think hard about the meaning of that quote.
Monday, 01 February, 2010
Hello Louise,
It's so nice to meet you! I really appreciate your kind visit to my blog and that you are following along as well. Thank you! You are always welcome to visit me anytime.
Your blog and photos are just gorgeous! ~WOW! You are so blessed to live in Italy. That is my dream destination one day. Sigh...I would love to visit Rome and a coastal town as well.
The framed blue shadow box above my garden tub is from a local home decor' store here called Kirklands. It has a little bit of Tuscan style to it. Italian style decor' is so popular here in the US. We all just love it here!
Have a wonderfully blessed weekend.
~Warmly, ~Melissa :)
Funnily enough, Louise, this quote No. 34 ties in very neatly with my latest blog post...
Interesting quote. I'm not a great thinker, not scholarly, just down to earth and practical and the question that comes to my mind is,"Of what?" "Happiness is not a reward - it is a consequence.
Suffering is not a punishment - it is a result." What are your thoughts on this?? Thanks!
The whole of February is our giorni della merla.. or this year - you could say that December and January qualify too!
Hi Karin, I thought it might mean that personal happiness and suffering are both the consequences of our own thoughts and actions rather than something bestowed/forced on us by someone else. It's a very liberating thought because it means you can go out and change your life whenever you like.
Wow, you really have to think hard about the meaning of that quote.
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