The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Motherhood means No. 17
Motherhood means...laughing at malapropisms and mispronunciations.
B (reaching the last bench at the top of the hill, flopping herself down and refusing to move) : "No, Mama, I'm not going! I need to be-lax!"
AJ (at the first of this year's many children's parties) : No, Mama, I don't want apple juice! I want that black stuff - that Crackly-ola!
And lastly, Mama spots a rash on B's tummy. She says, "Let me look at your tummy. I think you have a rash". B takes off in the other direction, clutching the waistline of her PJs very tightly. When Mama catches up with her, B protests : "No, Mama, don't look. There's no trash down there!"
PS Thanks, D, for a lovely afternoon with a view.
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Motherhood means No. 17
Motherhood means...laughing at malapropisms and mispronunciations.
B (reaching the last bench at the top of the hill, flopping herself down and refusing to move) : "No, Mama, I'm not going! I need to be-lax!"
AJ (at the first of this year's many children's parties) : No, Mama, I don't want apple juice! I want that black stuff - that Crackly-ola!
And lastly, Mama spots a rash on B's tummy. She says, "Let me look at your tummy. I think you have a rash". B takes off in the other direction, clutching the waistline of her PJs very tightly. When Mama catches up with her, B protests : "No, Mama, don't look. There's no trash down there!"
PS Thanks, D, for a lovely afternoon with a view.
Woodman said...
Lovely !!!
Saturday, 19 September, 2009
- Peter @ italyMONDO! said...
Short and sweet. Nice post. I even learned something new! "malapropism" is now in my vocabulary... ;-)
Saturday, 19 September, 2009
- Alan Burnett said...
Such things keep us going during the overcast and rainy days.
Saturday, 19 September, 2009
- Karin said...
Totally adorable!! Wish I had kept track through the years!
Saturday, 19 September, 2009
chrysalis said...
I have a good one by my Granddaughter - Grandpa do you like "snake and kidney pie?" Sounds delicious!!!!
Saturday, 19 September, 2009
- Joy said...
You will be so glad you have these written down when they are older. It's so fun to go back and read them. I would write my girls cute sayings in their baby book. I knew I'd never remember them if I didn't.
These are precious.
I love the crackly-ola.
Joy -
Saturday, 19 September, 2009
- Louise | Italy said...
Hi all, thanks for your comments! I'm glad too that I have a way of remembering these sayings, otherwise I'd forget them instantly. The Crackly-ola made me laugh a lot at the birthday party -- and after one cup he really was Crackly!
Sunday, 20 September, 2009
Lovely !!!
Short and sweet. Nice post. I even learned something new! "malapropism" is now in my vocabulary... ;-)
Such things keep us going during the overcast and rainy days.
Totally adorable!! Wish I had kept track through the years!
I have a good one by my Granddaughter - Grandpa do you like "snake and kidney pie?" Sounds delicious!!!!
You will be so glad you have these written down when they are older. It's so fun to go back and read them. I would write my girls cute sayings in their baby book. I knew I'd never remember them if I didn't.
These are precious.
I love the crackly-ola.
Hi all, thanks for your comments! I'm glad too that I have a way of remembering these sayings, otherwise I'd forget them instantly. The Crackly-ola made me laugh a lot at the birthday party -- and after one cup he really was Crackly!
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