Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007-2013. Please give credit where credit is due.

Friday 8 May 2009

Luna crescente--luna calante

Overcast and sultry. Rain on the way.

Working hard in the garden to get everything planted before this month's luna crescente (waxing moon) changes (tomorrow) to luna calante (waning moon). The lunar planting system is a tough taskmaster. It brooks no excuses for inclement weather, children's snivels, kindergarten schedules or (God help us) social lives.


Karin said...

Now I'll have to go and google the lunar planting system again because I forgot the details. I watched a gardening show on that topic once and have forgotten most of it. Loved the flowers though! Personally I've always been affected by the full moon - just a little more loony emotionally during that time, LOL!

Martin in Bulgaria said...

Interesting slant on gardening technic.

Bev said...

I like the plant by chance method, because I'd never be able to keep to a schedule. I still don't know what waxing or waning of the moon really means.

Debbie said...

I used to try to plant my the moon. Now, if I can get something into the grand, I feel successful.

Anonymous said...

Whilst a lot of people believe in this system there is no proof that it has any effect on plant growth. The length of the day (daylight) is the most important factor. All that we have to do is to watch out for late frosts until the end of May. Stonehenge may have been used by primitive people as a calendar for planting crops, but modern farming doesn't rely on this sort of thing.

Friday 8 May 2009

Luna crescente--luna calante

Overcast and sultry. Rain on the way.

Working hard in the garden to get everything planted before this month's luna crescente (waxing moon) changes (tomorrow) to luna calante (waning moon). The lunar planting system is a tough taskmaster. It brooks no excuses for inclement weather, children's snivels, kindergarten schedules or (God help us) social lives.


Karin said...

Now I'll have to go and google the lunar planting system again because I forgot the details. I watched a gardening show on that topic once and have forgotten most of it. Loved the flowers though! Personally I've always been affected by the full moon - just a little more loony emotionally during that time, LOL!

Martin in Bulgaria said...

Interesting slant on gardening technic.

Bev said...

I like the plant by chance method, because I'd never be able to keep to a schedule. I still don't know what waxing or waning of the moon really means.

Debbie said...

I used to try to plant my the moon. Now, if I can get something into the grand, I feel successful.

Anonymous said...

Whilst a lot of people believe in this system there is no proof that it has any effect on plant growth. The length of the day (daylight) is the most important factor. All that we have to do is to watch out for late frosts until the end of May. Stonehenge may have been used by primitive people as a calendar for planting crops, but modern farming doesn't rely on this sort of thing.