The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
You know you're getting older when...
PS Two degrees at 8am, bright blue skies, sharp winter sunshine, but cold in the wind and the shadows.
- Bella@That damn expat said...
Haha what a compliment!
Wednesday, 04 February, 2009
- Khaye said...
When you don't care much on what others say...
Wednesday, 04 February, 2009
Anonymous said...
And the girl in the jeans store offers you stretch jeans instead of normal ...
Wednesday, 04 February, 2009
Anonymous said...
Oh yes and whats he after ?
Wednesday, 04 February, 2009
Anonymous said...
How right you are!
Wednesday, 04 February, 2009
Anonymous said...
It's like when everyone says "You've had your hair cut", but no-one says they like it...
Wednesday, 04 February, 2009
- Caution/Lisa said...
I think that's better than, "But you don't even look your age!"
Wednesday, 04 February, 2009
- Karin said...
I always enjoy the flattery but I don't swallow it! It's wonderful that someone had the desire to make your day! That's what is so special!
Friday, 06 February, 2009
- Louise | Italy said...
Karin - you hit the nail on the head! I wholeheartedly agree.
Friday, 06 February, 2009
- J.M said...
Teehee, I bet he'd be shocked if he knew you saw right through him!
Saturday, 07 February, 2009
- Louisa Claire said...
So funny! Visiting from BPOTW
Sunday, 08 February, 2009
- Louise | Italy said...
I have to add to all of this, I LOVE charmers (not slimers, but charmers). I love their joie de vivre, I love, as Karin said, that they go out of their way to say something that will make you feel good. Charmers help to make the world go around, especially in Italia!
Tuesday, 10 February, 2009
Haha what a compliment!
When you don't care much on what others say...
And the girl in the jeans store offers you stretch jeans instead of normal ...
Oh yes and whats he after ?
How right you are!
It's like when everyone says "You've had your hair cut", but no-one says they like it...
I think that's better than, "But you don't even look your age!"
I always enjoy the flattery but I don't swallow it! It's wonderful that someone had the desire to make your day! That's what is so special!
Karin - you hit the nail on the head! I wholeheartedly agree.
Teehee, I bet he'd be shocked if he knew you saw right through him!
So funny! Visiting from BPOTW
I have to add to all of this, I LOVE charmers (not slimers, but charmers). I love their joie de vivre, I love, as Karin said, that they go out of their way to say something that will make you feel good. Charmers help to make the world go around, especially in Italia!
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