Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007-2013. Please give credit where credit is due.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Seventeen degrees at 11:30am and sunny, after a cold, grey and foggy start. What's 17 degrees C in English? Whatever it is, it feels good to me!


Anonymous said...

You're just teasing me now! You know we're over our ankles in new snow. Right?

What's 17 C in English? Answer: summer!

MsTypo said...

17?! Brrrr! Despite growing up in Canada my blood has totally thinned after only four years of living in warm, snowless countries.

Debbie said...

17 C isn't so bad. Often I forget to change your temps to what I am used to!

Anonymous said...

62f Nice and mild.

po said...

Ooh thanks you for the mention, 17 degrees sounds positively balmy!

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Seventeen degrees at 11:30am and sunny, after a cold, grey and foggy start. What's 17 degrees C in English? Whatever it is, it feels good to me!


Anonymous said...

You're just teasing me now! You know we're over our ankles in new snow. Right?

What's 17 C in English? Answer: summer!

MsTypo said...

17?! Brrrr! Despite growing up in Canada my blood has totally thinned after only four years of living in warm, snowless countries.

Debbie said...

17 C isn't so bad. Often I forget to change your temps to what I am used to!

Anonymous said...

62f Nice and mild.

po said...

Ooh thanks you for the mention, 17 degrees sounds positively balmy!