The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
The mystery solved
Back in December, I was wondering about a lime green bird I kept bumping into round about Carmine (click here for more), and in the past few days there have been several sightings. This morning's took place in Carmine Inferiore, and gave the game away. The chappie was seen half-way up a telegraph pole...
Yup, the mystery is solved. These boys are not, disappointingly, orioles, but woodpeckers, either green or grey-headed. And there seem to be individuals in and around both Carmines.
I look forward to hearing their tap-tap-tapping which is so evocative of Carmine springs.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
The mystery solved
Back in December, I was wondering about a lime green bird I kept bumping into round about Carmine (click here for more), and in the past few days there have been several sightings. This morning's took place in Carmine Inferiore, and gave the game away. The chappie was seen half-way up a telegraph pole...
Yup, the mystery is solved. These boys are not, disappointingly, orioles, but woodpeckers, either green or grey-headed. And there seem to be individuals in and around both Carmines.
I look forward to hearing their tap-tap-tapping which is so evocative of Carmine springs.
- Joy said...
I watched one pecking in a tree in our front yard yesterday. I wanted to come in and get the camera, but I didn't want to scare him away. I think he was working on breakfast.
Joy -
Tuesday, 27 January, 2009
Anonymous said...
Interesting. Yesterday my husband and I heard loud tapping on the house. We found a large bird, larger than any woodpecker I've seen prior - kind of chubby. I poked my head out the door and said, "Hey bird! Not the house!". Crazy bird didn't listen.
Tuesday, 27 January, 2009
Anonymous said...
We have lots of woodpeckers here! They are still trying to peck through the frozen trees!
Tuesday, 27 January, 2009
- Nina said...
That is the neatest sound to here them pecking away. Don't here much of that around here.
Tuesday, 27 January, 2009
- Loren said...
Do you mean a lime-green woodpecker? He must be beautiful! The woodpeckers where I live are dark colors. Thanks for the LOVELY thought.
Tuesday, 27 January, 2009
- Abigail Kraft said...
Hello from BATW Louise! I am just catching up on a few posts that I missed over the last week. *sigh* ITALY! I've always wanted to go to Italy...your descriptions make it sound so refreshing.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
--Abigail -
Wednesday, 28 January, 2009
I watched one pecking in a tree in our front yard yesterday. I wanted to come in and get the camera, but I didn't want to scare him away. I think he was working on breakfast.
Interesting. Yesterday my husband and I heard loud tapping on the house. We found a large bird, larger than any woodpecker I've seen prior - kind of chubby. I poked my head out the door and said, "Hey bird! Not the house!". Crazy bird didn't listen.
We have lots of woodpeckers here! They are still trying to peck through the frozen trees!
That is the neatest sound to here them pecking away. Don't here much of that around here.
Do you mean a lime-green woodpecker? He must be beautiful! The woodpeckers where I live are dark colors. Thanks for the LOVELY thought.
Hello from BATW Louise! I am just catching up on a few posts that I missed over the last week. *sigh* ITALY! I've always wanted to go to Italy...your descriptions make it sound so refreshing.
I hope you have a wonderful week.
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