Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007-2013. Please give credit where credit is due.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

I tuoi bambini parlano inglese? Do your children speak English?

Two degrees at 9am. Bright and sunny with lots of woodsmoke on the breeze.

[Scroll down for an English translation of this post.]

I tuoi bambini parlano Inglese? Abitate nella zona del Lago Maggiore? Vi piacerebbe fare parte del nostro gruppo di gioco in lingua inglese?

Ci incontriamo ogni due settimane a l'Oratorio di Cannobio, per giocare, leggere e parlare inglese, ma soprattuto per conoscere nuovi amici che parlano inglese. Attualmente il gruppo consiste in quattro bambini bilingue e quattro bambini allievi, e ci piacerebbe che si unissero a noi nuovi bambini.

Non ci sono costi! Ma speriamo in un vostro contributo, magari con la conoscenza dell'inglese, o con nuove idee.

Contatti : louise[at]carminesuperiore[punto]it


Do your children speak English? Do you live in the Lago Maggiore area? Would you like to be part of our English-speakers' play-group?

We meet every second week at Cannobio's Oratorio, to play, to practise reading and speaking English, and most of all to make friends with other English-speakers. The group currently consists of four bilinguals and four learners, and we would like to invite others to join us, particularly mother-tongue English speakers.

There is no charge - we hope that everyone will make a contribution, either with their knowledge of English, or with refreshments or ideas for activities.

For information, contact : louise[at]carminesuperiore[dot]it

Thanks to Sandra for the Italian translation

Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on


Anonymous said...

Hope the kids enjoy it!

Louise | Italy said...

I think they do enjoy it - it's an opportunity to make friends with children outside their age group, and to show off what they know!

Anonymous said...

This is great - I know a couple of bilingual kids who go to an English group in Germany and they benefit enormously from meeting other Anglophone kids - and the speakers who are not bilingual see that there's a purpose in learning.

Anonymous said...

Hi Louise,
Can I join the club please. I'm 71 and and need of a bit of fun.

Louise | Italy said...

Absolutely - I'm sure you could teach the children something useful...

Unknown said...

Uggh!!!! I wish I could drag my kids there along with my American husband and have the kids attend. I am so glad to have met you in the blog world. I have subscribed to your blog and will add you to one of my ongoing Blog Lists. Love the comment you left on my site stating that my Italian home memories are the fine treasures. If you visit the boutique, the opening page will make sense to you. Because what is presented on the Animated Intro Page is just where my "fine treasures" do really consist of. Go take a peak & see. Stay in touch! Ciao, Rita

Bilingual For Fun said...


Playgroups are indeed great, not so much for "learning" the language, as for giving the language a social context and motivating children to speak.

I am also trying to start Playgroyups in my town, for different languages, and it's working really well.
Also, I'm creating playlists on Youtube on beautiful videos suitable for kids, The Very Hungry Caterpillar kind of thing, no Disney stuff really. They might be useful for you too.


Wednesday 26 November 2008

I tuoi bambini parlano inglese? Do your children speak English?

Two degrees at 9am. Bright and sunny with lots of woodsmoke on the breeze.

[Scroll down for an English translation of this post.]

I tuoi bambini parlano Inglese? Abitate nella zona del Lago Maggiore? Vi piacerebbe fare parte del nostro gruppo di gioco in lingua inglese?

Ci incontriamo ogni due settimane a l'Oratorio di Cannobio, per giocare, leggere e parlare inglese, ma soprattuto per conoscere nuovi amici che parlano inglese. Attualmente il gruppo consiste in quattro bambini bilingue e quattro bambini allievi, e ci piacerebbe che si unissero a noi nuovi bambini.

Non ci sono costi! Ma speriamo in un vostro contributo, magari con la conoscenza dell'inglese, o con nuove idee.

Contatti : louise[at]carminesuperiore[punto]it


Do your children speak English? Do you live in the Lago Maggiore area? Would you like to be part of our English-speakers' play-group?

We meet every second week at Cannobio's Oratorio, to play, to practise reading and speaking English, and most of all to make friends with other English-speakers. The group currently consists of four bilinguals and four learners, and we would like to invite others to join us, particularly mother-tongue English speakers.

There is no charge - we hope that everyone will make a contribution, either with their knowledge of English, or with refreshments or ideas for activities.

For information, contact : louise[at]carminesuperiore[dot]it

Thanks to Sandra for the Italian translation

Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on


Anonymous said...

Hope the kids enjoy it!

Louise | Italy said...

I think they do enjoy it - it's an opportunity to make friends with children outside their age group, and to show off what they know!

Anonymous said...

This is great - I know a couple of bilingual kids who go to an English group in Germany and they benefit enormously from meeting other Anglophone kids - and the speakers who are not bilingual see that there's a purpose in learning.

Anonymous said...

Hi Louise,
Can I join the club please. I'm 71 and and need of a bit of fun.

Louise | Italy said...

Absolutely - I'm sure you could teach the children something useful...

Unknown said...

Uggh!!!! I wish I could drag my kids there along with my American husband and have the kids attend. I am so glad to have met you in the blog world. I have subscribed to your blog and will add you to one of my ongoing Blog Lists. Love the comment you left on my site stating that my Italian home memories are the fine treasures. If you visit the boutique, the opening page will make sense to you. Because what is presented on the Animated Intro Page is just where my "fine treasures" do really consist of. Go take a peak & see. Stay in touch! Ciao, Rita

Bilingual For Fun said...


Playgroups are indeed great, not so much for "learning" the language, as for giving the language a social context and motivating children to speak.

I am also trying to start Playgroyups in my town, for different languages, and it's working really well.
Also, I'm creating playlists on Youtube on beautiful videos suitable for kids, The Very Hungry Caterpillar kind of thing, no Disney stuff really. They might be useful for you too.
