The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Friday, 21 January 2011
Woodman said...
I sincerely hope that you are saving all these wonderful photographs for your promised book. I want a copy when its published.
Friday, 21 January, 2011
- Colleen said...
Too beautiful for words.
Friday, 21 January, 2011
chrysalis said...
Yes, like Woodman has said, a book of photos please. Also a book of all the absolutely readable and hilarious stories of life on the Rock. Think they have an individuality of style which would appeal to readers!
Friday, 21 January, 2011
- Karin said...
Oooooooing and ahhhhhhhiing here! It's gorgeous!
Friday, 21 January, 2011
- LindyLouMac said...
Stunning, photos like this so make one appreciate how lucky we are to live in such beautiful places!
Friday, 21 January, 2011
- Louise | Italy said...
Yes, LindyLou, I don't have to be reminded how lucky we are! :-)
Saturday, 22 January, 2011
Vanessa said...
I want this picture for the office wall, please - brighten the place up a bit!
Sunday, 23 January, 2011
Anonymous said...
Very awesome your sky pictures. How nice as one person said to have these as a book of conversations. To sitting on side tables or whatever table in your home and other peoples homes . If you do make a book.
Wednesday, 26 December, 2012
I sincerely hope that you are saving all these wonderful photographs for your promised book. I want a copy when its published.
Too beautiful for words.
Yes, like Woodman has said, a book of photos please. Also a book of all the absolutely readable and hilarious stories of life on the Rock. Think they have an individuality of style which would appeal to readers!
Oooooooing and ahhhhhhhiing here! It's gorgeous!
Stunning, photos like this so make one appreciate how lucky we are to live in such beautiful places!
Yes, LindyLou, I don't have to be reminded how lucky we are! :-)
I want this picture for the office wall, please - brighten the place up a bit!
Very awesome your sky pictures. How nice as one person said to have these as a book of conversations. To sitting on side tables or whatever table in your home and other peoples homes . If you do make a book.
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