PS After a glorious, nay, magnificent sunrise, the day is cloudy, still and frozen with the occasional sunny nanosecond.
The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
And a good time...
PS After a glorious, nay, magnificent sunrise, the day is cloudy, still and frozen with the occasional sunny nanosecond.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
And a good time...
PS After a glorious, nay, magnificent sunrise, the day is cloudy, still and frozen with the occasional sunny nanosecond.
Vanessa said...
Now THAT looks good!
Tuesday, 28 December, 2010
Anonymous said...
complimenti per i vini......
buon anno a tutti voi
Gabriele e micaela -
Tuesday, 28 December, 2010
- Louise | Italy said...
Thanks, Gabriele & Micaela, I'm sure your list was far more impressive! A happy and successful 2011 to you all! xx
Tuesday, 28 December, 2010
Anonymous said...
LOL! Sounds like some great drinking ahead of you.. or have you already consumed this?
Tuesday, 28 December, 2010
- Louise | Italy said...
These particular soldiers are dead ones, I'm afraid! :-)
Tuesday, 28 December, 2010
- Karin said...
Found out many years ago that wine, any spirits actually, doesn't like me :( Lucky for me I can have a great time without it! Have a Happy New Year!
Tuesday, 28 December, 2010
- Louise | Italy said...
Hi Karin, I swore off spirits when I was first pregnant with AJ and haven't gone back. But I do enjoy a decent wine with a meal, especially a celebratory meal!
Wednesday, 29 December, 2010
Now THAT looks good!
complimenti per i vini......
buon anno a tutti voi
Gabriele e micaela
Thanks, Gabriele & Micaela, I'm sure your list was far more impressive! A happy and successful 2011 to you all! xx
LOL! Sounds like some great drinking ahead of you.. or have you already consumed this?
These particular soldiers are dead ones, I'm afraid! :-)
Found out many years ago that wine, any spirits actually, doesn't like me :( Lucky for me I can have a great time without it! Have a Happy New Year!
Hi Karin, I swore off spirits when I was first pregnant with AJ and haven't gone back. But I do enjoy a decent wine with a meal, especially a celebratory meal!
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