The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Carmine quotes No. 17 : Mrs Malaprop strikes again
Here in Carmine, we're suffering an unusual plague of mosquitoes. Too much rain and not enough bats, perhaps.
Says B, aged not-quite-four, and scratching yet another inflamed mosquito bite :
"Mama, I'm covered in molehills. It must be the mozarellas....!"
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Carmine quotes No. 17 : Mrs Malaprop strikes again
Here in Carmine, we're suffering an unusual plague of mosquitoes. Too much rain and not enough bats, perhaps.
Says B, aged not-quite-four, and scratching yet another inflamed mosquito bite :
"Mama, I'm covered in molehills. It must be the mozarellas....!"
- Carol said...
Eeeeww mosquitos...I hate em!! My husband would tell you that what you need to do is hire me...mosquitos LOVE me and when we go out no-one else gets bitten! (Seriously, he was threatening to hire me out when we lived in Thailand!). Love your son's comment...priceless :-)
C x
Ps. I've never heard the expression Mushrooms mushrooming before... -
Tuesday, 15 June, 2010
- Carole Poirot said...
So your weather is as rubbish as ours here in the UK that quote, so funny - unlike the mosquito bites. Hope the sun makes an appearance soon. Love from London x
Tuesday, 15 June, 2010
V. said...
Tee-hee -- funny little thing! Must be all those languages
Tuesday, 15 June, 2010
- Joy said...
Those blasted mozzarellas they are here at our house too. My kids get molehills all over their legs and arms.
Very cute!
♥ Joy -
Tuesday, 15 June, 2010
- LadyFi said...
Oh, I do like the funny things children say!
Hope the sun comes out for you soon. -
Wednesday, 16 June, 2010
- LindyLouMac said...
Mozzarellas and molehills, certainly time they left us all alone to enjoy summer!
Wednesday, 16 June, 2010
- Karin said...
LOL!! Kids say the cutest things! Apparently if you carry one of those dryer sheets like Bounce on you in a pocket, the skeeters don't like you. Don't know if you have them over your way!
Wednesday, 16 June, 2010
Eeeeww mosquitos...I hate em!! My husband would tell you that what you need to do is hire me...mosquitos LOVE me and when we go out no-one else gets bitten! (Seriously, he was threatening to hire me out when we lived in Thailand!). Love your son's comment...priceless :-)
C x
Ps. I've never heard the expression Mushrooms mushrooming before...
So your weather is as rubbish as ours here in the UK that quote, so funny - unlike the mosquito bites. Hope the sun makes an appearance soon. Love from London x
Tee-hee -- funny little thing! Must be all those languages
Those blasted mozzarellas they are here at our house too. My kids get molehills all over their legs and arms.
Very cute!
♥ Joy
Oh, I do like the funny things children say!
Hope the sun comes out for you soon.
Mozzarellas and molehills, certainly time they left us all alone to enjoy summer!
LOL!! Kids say the cutest things! Apparently if you carry one of those dryer sheets like Bounce on you in a pocket, the skeeters don't like you. Don't know if you have them over your way!
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