Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007-2013. Please give credit where credit is due.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Carmine quotes No. 16 : Freud would be proud...

AJ, my five-year-old son, over breakfast :

"Mama, I had a lovely dream last night. I dreamt we got married!"

Sound a little Oedipal to you? Me too! Eek!

Anyone know where I can get a savings plan to pay for shrink bills during the teenage years? And I don't necessarily mean for my son.

Got to run, late this morning. Now, where did I put Electra's painting pinafore...?

PS Plus two degrees at 8:30am, foggy, damp, and with a shiver-making wind.


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Hehe, at least he's only 5!

Carole Poirot said...

Funny that, the savings plan went out the window the moment I had my son...hmmm ;-)

KimMalk said...

Goodness, gracious girl - you really have an interesting blog - it looks like you have a beautiful area of the world to live in.

Brenda said...

When my son was first dating and very young, he told me he wanted his future wife (unknown at that time) to spend lots of time with me so she could be just like me.

Fortunately he grew out of that!

LadyFi said...

I love this age - both my son and daughter have wanted to marry me, or each other, or both... Enjoy this expression of love while it lasts!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Cute. My daughter once told me she was going to take care of me when she grew up...oh, and buy me a car. :)

Sandy said...

Funny! But I think it's totally normal for a little boy to talk about marrying mom.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Carmine quotes No. 16 : Freud would be proud...

AJ, my five-year-old son, over breakfast :

"Mama, I had a lovely dream last night. I dreamt we got married!"

Sound a little Oedipal to you? Me too! Eek!

Anyone know where I can get a savings plan to pay for shrink bills during the teenage years? And I don't necessarily mean for my son.

Got to run, late this morning. Now, where did I put Electra's painting pinafore...?

PS Plus two degrees at 8:30am, foggy, damp, and with a shiver-making wind.


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Hehe, at least he's only 5!

Carole Poirot said...

Funny that, the savings plan went out the window the moment I had my son...hmmm ;-)

KimMalk said...

Goodness, gracious girl - you really have an interesting blog - it looks like you have a beautiful area of the world to live in.

Brenda said...

When my son was first dating and very young, he told me he wanted his future wife (unknown at that time) to spend lots of time with me so she could be just like me.

Fortunately he grew out of that!

LadyFi said...

I love this age - both my son and daughter have wanted to marry me, or each other, or both... Enjoy this expression of love while it lasts!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Cute. My daughter once told me she was going to take care of me when she grew up...oh, and buy me a car. :)

Sandy said...

Funny! But I think it's totally normal for a little boy to talk about marrying mom.