The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Motherhood means...No. 19
Woodman said...
At least another ten years !
Saturday, 05 December, 2009
- LadyFi said...
It'll happen when you realize that they really will survive the night... (Might take a while...)
Saturday, 05 December, 2009
- LindyLouMac said...
Is the bedroom so far away that you really would not hear them if they needed you? Surprised also that they do not just come and find you, our girls certainly did!
Saturday, 05 December, 2009
- TEFL Ninja said...
LOL, I was forced into cold turkey. My husband decided that a "click every time the child breathes" mat under the cot mattress had to go by the time he was two years old.
He was heartily sick of being woken up, on the verge of a heart attack, by the "child not breathing - PANIC" siren being set off every time the kid shuffled out the range of the sensors under him.
Took me months to get used to sleeping without that comforting "click". -
Saturday, 05 December, 2009
- Debbie said...
I'd have those monitors in my kids' dorm rooms if I could figure out how!
Monday, 07 December, 2009
At least another ten years !
It'll happen when you realize that they really will survive the night... (Might take a while...)
Is the bedroom so far away that you really would not hear them if they needed you? Surprised also that they do not just come and find you, our girls certainly did!
LOL, I was forced into cold turkey. My husband decided that a "click every time the child breathes" mat under the cot mattress had to go by the time he was two years old.
He was heartily sick of being woken up, on the verge of a heart attack, by the "child not breathing - PANIC" siren being set off every time the kid shuffled out the range of the sensors under him.
Took me months to get used to sleeping without that comforting "click".
I'd have those monitors in my kids' dorm rooms if I could figure out how!
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