The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Monday, 8 June 2009
Anonymous said...
I wish we could have an election for our mayor its just another perk for our council members and has no real meaning. Just buggings turn.
Monday, 08 June, 2009
Vanessa said...
I love the smell of fresh lavender - does that make me an old maid?
Monday, 08 June, 2009
- Caution/Lisa said...
I've always been partial to lavender, but like Vanessa, worried what that would say about me!
Monday, 08 June, 2009
- ♥ Braja said...
Ah favorite....
Monday, 08 June, 2009
- pursehappygal said...
Very lovely.And I also love the pictures too of the churches.
Tuesday, 09 June, 2009
Anonymous said...
I love the smell of fresh lavender. Nice Blog. Keep it up. Beth
Thursday, 11 June, 2009
- Kcalpesh said...
This is really beautifully shot. Nice compostion!
Thursday, 11 June, 2009
- Romancing Italy said...
If the lavender is starting to bloom by YOU then for sure it will be blooming in France. I am heading out next week to see fields of lavender and this post is certainly reassuring.
Friday, 12 June, 2009
I wish we could have an election for our mayor its just another perk for our council members and has no real meaning. Just buggings turn.
I love the smell of fresh lavender - does that make me an old maid?
I've always been partial to lavender, but like Vanessa, worried what that would say about me!
Ah favorite....
Very lovely.And I also love the pictures too of the churches.
I love the smell of fresh lavender. Nice Blog. Keep it up. Beth
This is really beautifully shot. Nice compostion!
If the lavender is starting to bloom by YOU then for sure it will be blooming in France. I am heading out next week to see fields of lavender and this post is certainly reassuring.
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