Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007-2013. Please give credit where credit is due.

Saturday 11 April 2009


Rain overnight, and the rising sun greeted a warm mist over the lake. Last night we slept with the windows open and the sound of the Carmine's running streams trickling in.

We are awash with places to go, and people to feed, water and bed down.


...slowly but surely, the camellias are giving way to the azaleas.

PS Today is the last day of Lent! Click here to know what it means for me.


Vanessa said...

Amazing color!

Anonymous said...

Cold and wet here in the UK. Your flowers really are ahead of the game. Nice photo.

Anonymous said...

Blazing sunshine here - makes a nice change from snow and ice! ;-)

Enjoy a glass of wine on me...

♥ Braja said...

So you can indulge in a glass of wine again? Have one for me, Louise :)xxx

Jeanne Estridge said...

Your azaleas are amazing! I'd plant some here, but the soil really isn't acidic enough.

Joy said...

Beautiful Blooms.


Saturday 11 April 2009


Rain overnight, and the rising sun greeted a warm mist over the lake. Last night we slept with the windows open and the sound of the Carmine's running streams trickling in.

We are awash with places to go, and people to feed, water and bed down.


...slowly but surely, the camellias are giving way to the azaleas.

PS Today is the last day of Lent! Click here to know what it means for me.


Vanessa said...

Amazing color!

Anonymous said...

Cold and wet here in the UK. Your flowers really are ahead of the game. Nice photo.

Anonymous said...

Blazing sunshine here - makes a nice change from snow and ice! ;-)

Enjoy a glass of wine on me...

♥ Braja said...

So you can indulge in a glass of wine again? Have one for me, Louise :)xxx

Jeanne Estridge said...

Your azaleas are amazing! I'd plant some here, but the soil really isn't acidic enough.

Joy said...

Beautiful Blooms.
