The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
A yellow theme.
The daffodils gathered in crowds (nay, hosts) everywhere I look are gaily nodding at the ripe lemons in the boughs of the lemon trees that do so well in sunny, sheltered spots. The mimosa trees are giant sculptures made up of thousands of tiny pom-poms towering from the lower slopes of the lakeside. The bright yellow primulas are still flourishing in the stony nooks and crannies. And the forsythia, large and small, are displaying their fragile flowers.
There are yellow butterflies and yellow-breasted birds. Yellow roadworks signs have sprouted up all along the lakeside SS34 (even where there are no visible roadworks), and gangs of chaps are out in yellow overalls painting the alberghi yellow in time for the Easter influx of visitors.
Even B., home from her travels, has ferretted out a yellow sunhat and wears it even in bed, and Mama is tempted to pull on her token yellow T-shirt.
Perhaps some marketing genius should institute a Yellow Festival - a Sunday in March when we all wear yellow, eat yellow, paint our faces yellow and race yellow boats. There could be yellow balloons and yellow bumper stickers, yellow paintballing, yellow cakes, yellow caramelle and yellow cocktails.
Sound like fun?
PS The eggs in the incubator have been candled and eight have quickened. Unless the cats or the kids get them, we may have cute little yellow chicks in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
A yellow theme.
The daffodils gathered in crowds (nay, hosts) everywhere I look are gaily nodding at the ripe lemons in the boughs of the lemon trees that do so well in sunny, sheltered spots. The mimosa trees are giant sculptures made up of thousands of tiny pom-poms towering from the lower slopes of the lakeside. The bright yellow primulas are still flourishing in the stony nooks and crannies. And the forsythia, large and small, are displaying their fragile flowers.
There are yellow butterflies and yellow-breasted birds. Yellow roadworks signs have sprouted up all along the lakeside SS34 (even where there are no visible roadworks), and gangs of chaps are out in yellow overalls painting the alberghi yellow in time for the Easter influx of visitors.
Even B., home from her travels, has ferretted out a yellow sunhat and wears it even in bed, and Mama is tempted to pull on her token yellow T-shirt.
Perhaps some marketing genius should institute a Yellow Festival - a Sunday in March when we all wear yellow, eat yellow, paint our faces yellow and race yellow boats. There could be yellow balloons and yellow bumper stickers, yellow paintballing, yellow cakes, yellow caramelle and yellow cocktails.
Sound like fun?
PS The eggs in the incubator have been candled and eight have quickened. Unless the cats or the kids get them, we may have cute little yellow chicks in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed.
- Chairman Bill said...
I always thought Easter was associated with yellow. Not sure why.
Wednesday, 18 March, 2009
Anonymous said...
Lovely post! All we have here is ice - oh, and some yellow snow! Does that count? ;-)
Wednesday, 18 March, 2009
Anonymous said...
Hi Louise, Watch out for yellow clothing it attracts all sorts of insects. They think its a flower.
Wednesday, 18 March, 2009
- Caution/Lisa said...
I've always thought the world would be a much better place if done entirely in yellow. Then I was told that a house with a yellow kitchen will not sell...
Wednesday, 18 March, 2009
- Loren said...
Love this post about Yellow, and how you switch into the third person when talking about B's yellow clothing. You're such a talented writer, seriously. -
Wednesday, 18 March, 2009
- Louise | Italy said...
@ Chairman Bill : You have a point there...
Wednesday, 18 March, 2009
- Louise | Italy said...
@Loren : What can I say but thank-you for making my week!
Wednesday, 18 March, 2009
- Bev said...
Didn't the Irish "do" green?
If there was a yellow festival, I'd have to buy something or wear daffodils. -
Wednesday, 18 March, 2009
- Louise | Italy said...
@Caution Flag : Fascinating! (About the yellow kitchen, I mean...)
Wednesday, 18 March, 2009
I always thought Easter was associated with yellow. Not sure why.
Lovely post! All we have here is ice - oh, and some yellow snow! Does that count? ;-)
Hi Louise, Watch out for yellow clothing it attracts all sorts of insects. They think its a flower.
I've always thought the world would be a much better place if done entirely in yellow. Then I was told that a house with a yellow kitchen will not sell...
Love this post about Yellow, and how you switch into the third person when talking about B's yellow clothing. You're such a talented writer, seriously.
@ Chairman Bill : You have a point there...
@Loren : What can I say but thank-you for making my week!
Didn't the Irish "do" green?
If there was a yellow festival, I'd have to buy something or wear daffodils.
@Caution Flag : Fascinating! (About the yellow kitchen, I mean...)
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