Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007-2013. Please give credit where credit is due.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Against the flow

As I leapt, steaming, from the shower at 6:30 this morning, the outside temperature was a fraction above freezing, and the inside temperature was a fraction above that. Outside, it was snowing wetly. Inside, I was shivering but still glad that, because we heat with wood cut by our own fair hands, and not gas, we're not being held hostage by the Russians.

The psychologists would have us believe that yesterday was the most depressing day of the year, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to buck the trend and be happy. How could you not be with a scene like this awaiting you after the morning kindergarten run?

Monday morning, Lago Maggiore

And, finally, even without a tv and no newspaper stand here on Sasso Carmine, we know it's Obama's inauguration day - we can hear the circus from here. Many people like to be present at 'historic moments' such as these. Regretfully, the thought of two million people crammed into so small a place as Pennsylvania Avenue, and sharing a loo with 99,999 other people will be keeping me away on this occasion.

Besides, historic is as historic does...

...and, double-besides, somebody's got to feed the chickens.

Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007, 2008, 2009. All rights reserved. Please ask first.


Bella@That damn expat said...

I am falling in love with your blog.

Now excuse me while I go peruse your archives.

Baci e abbracci

Anonymous said...

Never mind the cold that is another great picture, pity its not on film we could have made a lovely print of it.
I can understand the Obama histerior, but after time, won't he go the same way as all the others ? Sorry USA, but we had great hopes when we elected Blair and look what happened, we eventually got Brown the unelected prime minister.

Anonymous said...

Now how come my rush hour doesn't look like that?

Anonymous said...

Talk about placing too many expectations on the shoulders of one man. Just goes to show how fed up the world is of the Bush administration.

Lovely picture. You may not have much heating, but - by golly - at least you don't have to share your loo with thousands and thousands of other leg-crossed spectators!

I'm going to watch a bit on TV (which we do have but don't use very often) as I don't have any chickens to feed.

Karin said...

Great post! Lovely day coming up! Be happy and rejoice in God's goodness! He's in control whether we believe it or not! Love the pic.

Joy said...

Louise you are so funny. Trust me I'm staying home to feed the chickens too.

Beautiful picture. I think that view would make me happy too.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Brenda. Everyone in the USA thinks that he will mend everything, but thats what they all offer before they are elected and wake up to the realities.

Another Kiran In NYC said...

I am so happy to watch Obama being inaugurated today as President. I belive, oh yes I do.

Come by my blog and read my (immigrants) take on his victory.

Nicone said...

Wow that view you've got... it's gorgeous!!! Sounds pretty great, the view from Carmine Superiore.

Loren said...

Love that beautiful picture. I listened to Obama's speech on the radio in my car. It was a pretty speech. I'm praying he'll step away from the Left on the life issue.

Anonymous said...

I envy you taht you don't allow yourself to be battered by the media . We're only depressed on Blue Monday because the media lifts us up at Christmas and dumps us down after new year and then tells us we're depressed! the media is a kind of mass hysteria.

Rachel Cotterill said...

Beautiful picture! :)

Belle said...

I was going to follow your blog, but as you are living my dream, I have decided that I hate you ...
you are pretty
so I will only come back when I need to make myself even more depressed,
which is probably
going to be everyday.

Louise | Italy said...

LOL! Thanks for dropping by. See you tomorrow!

Debbie said...

How lucky was I that you dropped by my blog? You are great - so fascinating.
Yesterday was a wonderful day for us, but I didn't want to be in that crowd either. I was content to watch it with my kids.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Against the flow

As I leapt, steaming, from the shower at 6:30 this morning, the outside temperature was a fraction above freezing, and the inside temperature was a fraction above that. Outside, it was snowing wetly. Inside, I was shivering but still glad that, because we heat with wood cut by our own fair hands, and not gas, we're not being held hostage by the Russians.

The psychologists would have us believe that yesterday was the most depressing day of the year, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to buck the trend and be happy. How could you not be with a scene like this awaiting you after the morning kindergarten run?

Monday morning, Lago Maggiore

And, finally, even without a tv and no newspaper stand here on Sasso Carmine, we know it's Obama's inauguration day - we can hear the circus from here. Many people like to be present at 'historic moments' such as these. Regretfully, the thought of two million people crammed into so small a place as Pennsylvania Avenue, and sharing a loo with 99,999 other people will be keeping me away on this occasion.

Besides, historic is as historic does...

...and, double-besides, somebody's got to feed the chickens.

Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007, 2008, 2009. All rights reserved. Please ask first.


Bella@That damn expat said...

I am falling in love with your blog.

Now excuse me while I go peruse your archives.

Baci e abbracci

Anonymous said...

Never mind the cold that is another great picture, pity its not on film we could have made a lovely print of it.
I can understand the Obama histerior, but after time, won't he go the same way as all the others ? Sorry USA, but we had great hopes when we elected Blair and look what happened, we eventually got Brown the unelected prime minister.

Anonymous said...

Now how come my rush hour doesn't look like that?

Anonymous said...

Talk about placing too many expectations on the shoulders of one man. Just goes to show how fed up the world is of the Bush administration.

Lovely picture. You may not have much heating, but - by golly - at least you don't have to share your loo with thousands and thousands of other leg-crossed spectators!

I'm going to watch a bit on TV (which we do have but don't use very often) as I don't have any chickens to feed.

Karin said...

Great post! Lovely day coming up! Be happy and rejoice in God's goodness! He's in control whether we believe it or not! Love the pic.

Joy said...

Louise you are so funny. Trust me I'm staying home to feed the chickens too.

Beautiful picture. I think that view would make me happy too.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Brenda. Everyone in the USA thinks that he will mend everything, but thats what they all offer before they are elected and wake up to the realities.

Another Kiran In NYC said...

I am so happy to watch Obama being inaugurated today as President. I belive, oh yes I do.

Come by my blog and read my (immigrants) take on his victory.

Nicone said...

Wow that view you've got... it's gorgeous!!! Sounds pretty great, the view from Carmine Superiore.

Loren said...

Love that beautiful picture. I listened to Obama's speech on the radio in my car. It was a pretty speech. I'm praying he'll step away from the Left on the life issue.

Anonymous said...

I envy you taht you don't allow yourself to be battered by the media . We're only depressed on Blue Monday because the media lifts us up at Christmas and dumps us down after new year and then tells us we're depressed! the media is a kind of mass hysteria.

Rachel Cotterill said...

Beautiful picture! :)

Belle said...

I was going to follow your blog, but as you are living my dream, I have decided that I hate you ...
you are pretty
so I will only come back when I need to make myself even more depressed,
which is probably
going to be everyday.

Louise | Italy said...

LOL! Thanks for dropping by. See you tomorrow!

Debbie said...

How lucky was I that you dropped by my blog? You are great - so fascinating.
Yesterday was a wonderful day for us, but I didn't want to be in that crowd either. I was content to watch it with my kids.