Copyright © Louise Bostock 2007-2013. Please give credit where credit is due.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

One degree at 9am (a full three degrees in the bathroom) and thankfully no precipitation of any kind.


Bev said...

Please tell me you have a heater in your bathroom!!!
Which you must...but for me, it would not be instant enough.

Gypsy at Heart said...

Space heater, space heater! I simply cannot abide a cold bathroom. Positively stunts my every desire for cleanliness. You poor thing. And here I was complaining that we were in the high 50's today and oh! how cold that feels for Houston...

Yes I know. I'm a wuss.
Hi Louise!

Louise | Italy said...

Hi Bev, Hi Gypsy = I'm also a wuss, and last year I put my foot down. We now have a moveable heater powered by a gas cylinder in one corner of the bathroom. In front of it is a pile of sheepskins, and that's where we get dry and dressed.

Bev said...

Thank goodness for the sheepskins. Just having those on the floor makes the room SEEM warmer.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

One degree at 9am (a full three degrees in the bathroom) and thankfully no precipitation of any kind.


Bev said...

Please tell me you have a heater in your bathroom!!!
Which you must...but for me, it would not be instant enough.

Gypsy at Heart said...

Space heater, space heater! I simply cannot abide a cold bathroom. Positively stunts my every desire for cleanliness. You poor thing. And here I was complaining that we were in the high 50's today and oh! how cold that feels for Houston...

Yes I know. I'm a wuss.
Hi Louise!

Louise | Italy said...

Hi Bev, Hi Gypsy = I'm also a wuss, and last year I put my foot down. We now have a moveable heater powered by a gas cylinder in one corner of the bathroom. In front of it is a pile of sheepskins, and that's where we get dry and dressed.

Bev said...

Thank goodness for the sheepskins. Just having those on the floor makes the room SEEM warmer.