The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
The boars are back in town
The wild boar continue to devastate the prato. As quickly as we put everything to rights, they come back for another round of twilight partying. The Corpo Forestale with their big guns have us on their list. Hope they get here before the boar discover the chicken feed...
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
The boars are back in town
The wild boar continue to devastate the prato. As quickly as we put everything to rights, they come back for another round of twilight partying. The Corpo Forestale with their big guns have us on their list. Hope they get here before the boar discover the chicken feed...
Anonymous said...
Hi Louise -- I like the new slide show! :-)
Tuesday, 02 September, 2008
Anonymous said...
Hi Louise,
Yes the slide show is great. I hope you find the time to include it in your future blogs.
The summer is slipping away and its getting quite cold now with lots of rain here in Sweden. It seems the Brits are sending it over to us after they have had enough.
I hope the boars get seen to soon, for the sake of the chickens and the destruction of your garden. There is always something that spoils hard work. -
Wednesday, 03 September, 2008
- Louise | Italy said...
Thanks for your compliments on the slide show. It took a while to work out how to do it, but now I know how, it's simple. Makes a change, anyhow.
Hello Anon - so you were tired of the rain the Brits sent you and now you've sent it on to us? -
Wednesday, 03 September, 2008
Hi Louise -- I like the new slide show! :-)
Hi Louise,
Yes the slide show is great. I hope you find the time to include it in your future blogs.
The summer is slipping away and its getting quite cold now with lots of rain here in Sweden. It seems the Brits are sending it over to us after they have had enough.
I hope the boars get seen to soon, for the sake of the chickens and the destruction of your garden. There is always something that spoils hard work.
Thanks for your compliments on the slide show. It took a while to work out how to do it, but now I know how, it's simple. Makes a change, anyhow.
Hello Anon - so you were tired of the rain the Brits sent you and now you've sent it on to us?
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