The mountains & the lake, people & places, children & chickens, frescoes & felines, barbera & books.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
By the Chiesa di San Gottardo
Anonymous said...
V. atmospheric. What's that thing bottom left?
Thursday, 11 September, 2008
Anonymous said...
Hi Louise,
Looks like a font to me, or is where the holy water is kept for the communicants to dip their hands into. -
Thursday, 11 September, 2008
Anonymous said...
Hello Louise,
After all that rain, a huge orange ball has appeared in the sky. I think its something to do with that collider that they have just started up on the Swiss/French border. Do you think they have generated a black hole and we have now appeared on the other side of the universe like 'Star Trek'?
Or, is it just indigestion. -
Thursday, 11 September, 2008
- Louise | Italy said...
Dear Anon 2, Could you take over from me writing the blog when I go on holiday?
Thursday, 11 September, 2008
- Louise | Italy said...
Hi Vanessa, I'm told that it was used to grind chestnuts into flour...
Thursday, 11 September, 2008
V. atmospheric. What's that thing bottom left?
Hi Louise,
Looks like a font to me, or is where the holy water is kept for the communicants to dip their hands into.
Hello Louise,
After all that rain, a huge orange ball has appeared in the sky. I think its something to do with that collider that they have just started up on the Swiss/French border. Do you think they have generated a black hole and we have now appeared on the other side of the universe like 'Star Trek'?
Or, is it just indigestion.
Dear Anon 2, Could you take over from me writing the blog when I go on holiday?
Hi Vanessa, I'm told that it was used to grind chestnuts into flour...
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